The countless crimes of the movie "Home Alone"

 The countless crimes of the movie of "Home Alone." 

by Travis Rice

    This year our family did something a little different to get into the holiday spirit. My boys are the sons of a criminal defense lawyer. They hear about the exploits of crime first hand and hear my wife and I discuss the philosophies of certain situations that we hear in the news. Every year we watch the movie "Home Alone," to get into the Christmas spirit. This year we made a competition out of trying to catch and tally every crime we saw in the movie. Here is what we came up with... 
    The first crime happens in the first scene of the movie. It opens with a chaotic house and a police man standing in the common area of the house watching everyone going every which way. The character "Harry" is dressed as the police officer, who we find out later is actually a thief. Harry's intention is to find out the security conditions of each home on a nice suburban block in Chicago. The immortal words of Harry are a favorite quote in our house. "Don't worry about your home...its in good hands.."
    The next crime is a little less obvious. It is when the neighbor kid goes into the bags and steals a few belongings from the suitcases in the travel vans. Mom then commits abandons her child and flies to Paris. The movie then shows a conspiracy between Marv (another thief) and Harry to rob a number of houses on the street, and the film shows them breaking in and committing thefts of jewelry, toys, and other goodies inside the house.  
    Kevin then commits a series of crimes including shoplifting and resisting arrest. Kevin goes into a store and while he is there formulates the idea of stealing a toothbrush. You may be thinking this is no big deal and not a thing someone would be prosecuted for. I have seen people prosecuted for less trust me. Especially by places like Walmart, Albertsons, and other big name chains. Kevin then runs away from the kid behind the counter an a police officer who told him to stop. Completing the experience he then classifies himself by saying "I'm a criminal." 
The big crimes now come on, stalking, malicious injury to property, theft, burglary, conspiracy, numerous aggravated assaults and battery's. In total the boys and I came up with 72 crimes that were committed throughout the movie. Its not the 90's anymore. I doubt that this movie would be made these days. I love Home Alone. Next year try counting yourself. I guarantee that their will be so many that you will loose count. Merry Christmas. 

If you need help this Christmas season, please dont hesitate to contact a local Caldwell attorney who specializes in criminal law. If you want a free consultation please click here


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