Five Crimes that increase in Canyon County over the holidays!
By Travis Rice
1. Burglary-Santa is not the only one sneaking into houses late at night with the intent of taking something inside around the holidays; burglars are also lurking about. A burglary is committed when someone enters a house with the intent of committing a felony inside. That would include committing a theft if the item to be stolen is over a certain threshold which the legislature sets. For those who are not familiar, Wal-Mart tends to push for felony prosecutions on burglaries when you take something from the store. They do this because their security officers are uniquely trained to ask a suspect if they formed intent before entering the store. If someone says "yes," then the offense becomes a burglary. According to the Idaho State Police crime statistics these crimes occur around midnight, 10:00am, and 8pm and 10pm. They also occur on Thursday and Friday nights most often. I have seen these crimes increase around the holidays. But 2020 has been a year for the books. It may not even apply this year because we are all spending more time at home. Regardless its important to take the proper precautions around the holidays to minimize the risk of you getting victimized.
4. Disturbing the Peace- This goes along with the above. However, Christmas music and parties are also to blame for this charge which increases around the holidays. Different families and cultures tend to celebrate the holidays differently. The manner of celebration can make others feel annoyed. In addition, laughter and carrying-on can make others feel upset which can cause the police to be called. I often get two or three calls right after Christmas because someone gets a misdemeanor Disturbing the Peace charge. Its good to keep this in the forefront of your mind around the holidays.
Almost every year I see an increase in criminal consultations around Christmas time. Normally, its the same thing every year, and this year is no different. Here is a list of five crimes that I think tend to increase around the holidays.
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2. DUI's-Every year, I get many people who call my office and begin by saying "I got a DUI last night, it was so embarrassing, I was at a company party." Companies have parties to celebrate the holidays and the year-end performances, and they celebrate at bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. If your boss is generous he also picks up the tab at the end of the night. So this encourages everyone to drink more. The more you drink the less your likely you are to appreciate the consequences of your actions as you normally would. So...people make the mistake of driving home. DUI increase around the holidays and so does their enforcement. In addition you are more likely to fail a field test when its cold outside rather than in perfect conditions, this is simply because the field tests are based on "normal" conditions, which is normally not 32 degrees and freezing. You also have to take into account the largest drinking day out of the year which is New Years. This year I expect there will be more celebrating than usual. Be careful between the hours of 10pm-3:00am and avoid high traffic roads if you can during the holidays.
3. Domestic Battery-Obviously when we think of the holiday season we think of family gathered in a nice warm house with presents around a Christmas tree. But the reality is, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. People are taught to be more Christlike during the holidays which sometimes decreases our better judgment in who we invite into our home. If there is marital problems or problems with a family member some think that the best idea is to invite them into the house for the holidays and maybe a Christmas miracle can happen. It doesn't. often Domestic violence increases because we are gathered together with family, and in the interim a conversation about Joe Biden, Camela Harris, or the budget is brought up all hell breaks loose. The number one dispute among couples is financial disputes. I have found in my own practice that consumption of alcohol mixed with high stress times like the holidays is a recipe for disaster. Often times people do not think before they do something and the next thing you know the police are called. So if you want to decrease this chance of something like this happening, I would recommend counseling when feeling stressed, and limiting your consumption of alcohol around the holidays.
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5. Thefts- Financial stress and drug abuse are the main causes of thefts. Drug abuse increases around the holidays because for many it is a time of stress and worry. As the habit increases the need to satisfy the urge increases and therefore it applies more stress. The cycle of abuse then continues. Thefts are a way to get quick cash to satisfy and apatite. I also have the occasional stealing food from Walmart to cook for the holidays or to enjoy for the winter. These are the saddest calls. However, they increase around the holidays so be aware.
The holidays can be a stressful time. If you are a victim of a crime you should report it to the proper agency authorities. If you or a loved one is charged with a crime around the holidays take a minute to slow down and help them out. Our firm provides trustworthy representation to all people and often we give special rates around the holidays to accommodate those who are stressed out. If you want to contact us please visit our website at Travis Rice Attorney at Law or call us at 208-230-9983
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