Top five crimes around the Holidays and how to prevent them!

Here is the no particular order...

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1. Driving Under the Influence- Over the Holidays, DUI's increase dramatically. Think of all the drinking that is associated with the holidays. The office has parties, the homes are brewing hard cider, and in order to get through the relatives Xmas, many people resort to drinking. The problem is...most drive home.

Officers around the holidays are less compassionate. They are often over worked and under paid. This makes them a little extra grouchy over the holidays. So the excuses...its my first time doing this, might not work out to your advantage over the holidays.

I recommend Uber. Its 5-30 dollars. You get an experience out of it. And if you happen to have a weak stomach someone else cleans up the mess. Just kidding about that last part. In addition to Uber, get a driver, sometimes they are free, other times they may cost extra, either way....avoid the DUI with a driver. DO NOT DRIVE HOME DRUNK!

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2. Petty Theft- Businesses need to protect themselves from this. Petty Thief's are opportunists. They will try and escape the store with things that they see and think about at the time. Most often these are young college kids, or older men and women. Sometimes they try to take cat food, sometimes its mouse traps, and other times its Ipads. Generally, these are crimes of poverty.

To prevent this crime, offenders need to budget. For businesses they need to hire extra eyes so that they can catch those thief from stealing.

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3. Burglaries-Have you ever watched Home Alone? Every year thousands of homes are broken into while people are on vacation visiting relatives. Along with home invasions, farm buildings suffer also. My own neighbors are on vacation to Mexico and haven't been here in three weeks.

To prevent this, you can form a neighborhood watch. Having your neighbors aware and knowing what is going on with your house is sometimes the best Defense. Put up cameras around high traffic areas outside your house. If you are robbed you have a greater chance of getting your things back if you know who took them. Also, make sure all doors are locked and windows closed before you leave on vacation.

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4. Assaults/Battery's-Assaults and Battery's go up substantially during the holidays. It starts with a debate over the Xmas table about politics and the next thing you know someone says "If you say another word, I'll kill you." That's an assault. And if the police are called the person that said that is going to jail. Making it easy for the Prosecutor to prove because it is all around the table.

Complicating this is alcohol which always accompanies the holidays. Alcohol sometimes intensifies feelings of anger, anxiety, and fear, which makes this a prime breeding ground for assaults and batteries.

To prevent this, simply count to ten before you respond. And if things get a little out of control, you have my permission to leave the situation.

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5. Disturbing the Peace-While this is not the legally correct definition of the crime, I find it works, I call this the "Don't be a jackass in public" crime. It intensifies with Alcohol and family. alert. Although its just a misdemeanor, it is not something that you want on your criminal record. Imagine your boss finding out about this the next day at work...not good!

To prevent this....don't be a jerk. Simply do not disturb the peace and tranquility of your neighbors or community. Don't drink in excess. Don't yell and shout. Don't play Xmas music too loud. Again, don't be a jerk!

Merry X-Mas and Happy Holidays! If you need legal assistance for any of these matters consult a Licenced Idaho Criminal Attorney who has experience in Trial work and Criminal Law, such as Travis Rice Attorney at Law, PLLC at 208-230-9983.


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