Four ways to stay out of jail on the Fourth of July!

#1. Use common sense when lighting off fireworks

            This is number one for a reason. When you light off fireworks always use common sense. We have had too many wild fires destroy hundreds of acres of Idaho already this year. Please be mindful that this is the best way to start a fire. Also, if you start a fire using fireworks you will be liable for the damage and could face jail time. Therefore, be careful and take precautions!

#2. Avoid parties where alcohol is present

      99% of cases I handle involve alcohol or drugs in some way. Sometimes the crime itself has nothing to do with alcohol but it is always near by. I find that strange. Regardless it is a well established fact that alcohol in some people increases aggressiveness and self-confidence, and these can be a dangerous mixture. You can count that there will be some major fighting at parties this weekend. And police are going to be out stopping people from lighting off fireworks all weekend, so they may stumble upon you at the wrong time. Remember, innocent people go to jail to, so be safe by avoiding those parties. You want to see fireworks on the Fourth, not hear them through a jail cell.

#3. Drive carefully

      This is probably the second most important one on the list. Drive safely, because the Idaho State Police will be out in force. They are looking at ticketing anyone who is drinking and driving, possessing controlled substances, and who is in violation of any laws. Officers use broken tail lights, head lights, weaving, and not signaling long enough (more than 5 seconds) as a pretext to stop your vehicle. Please watch out.
      Remember…in Idaho…MARIJUANA is NOT LEGAL! That even applies to medicinal cards from other states. Idaho is a zero tolerance state and proud of it. That will ruin your weekend. If you get caught with drugs in Idaho you should call a criminal defense attorney. If you get caught in Owyhee County, Caldwell, or Payette I can represent you. My number is 208-230-9983.   

#4. Be respectful towards others celebrations of the Fourth of July.

      Every one celebrates the Fourth of July differently. Some like fireworks, movies, picnics, parties, ect. Whatever you do and where-ever you go, be respectful. If someone is not being respectful to you then move. Don’t start a fight! Call the police if it is bad enough, but never retaliate in anger towards another. Keep calm and enjoy the Fourth and realize everyone is different and have their “own way.”


      If you are arrested or have a family member that is arrested in the Caldwell or Nampa Idaho area please call me Travis Rice at 208-230-9983. I am a licensed Criminal Defense Attorney and can help resolve your matter. You can also visit my website at  


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